Thursday, November 19, 2009

Long time, new post...

As it turns out, my last semester of college kind of filled up and left me with little time to blog. Here's a summary: my Senior Project - 4.48 Psychosis, filling final gen. ed. requirements, road-(and train-)tripping to and from Chicago over Spring Break, finding out about the opportunity of my current job (and getting it!), being cast in Montford Park Players' production of Cymbeline as Imogen, and then the whole graduating/winning college-thing. Then summer happened...lots of landscaping, play rehearsal, movies, teaching a friend to drive, and a tiny weeklong vacation before I started my new job.

Nowadays, I'm still at the college working as an AmeriCorps VISTA in our Service Learning Program. It's a different perspective being at Wilson in a non-student role. As familiar a place as it is, there's plenty newness around. I still get to participate in theatre productions, for which I am very grateful, and a little over a month ago, I took on the role of Hermione in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale. It had a shorter rehearsal period than usual (about six weeks) and a tight-knit ensemble, most everyone playing more than one role. In short, a wonderful and challenging experience that left an impact.
Giny-Camilla, Lauren-Hermione (me), Sofia-Perdita, Rachel-Paulina

Since that time, among other things, I led a service trip in Asheville over Fall Break called "Artists Serving, Serving Artists." I created the whole trip from scratch working with arts non-profits in the area, many of which the school had never had "official" service relationships previously. Eight students went on the trip, and it was extremely successful. We worked with Asheville Mural Project, Asheville FM, Burton Street Center, Asheville Community Theatre, Just Home in the Mountains/Homeward Bound, NC Stage, Montford Community Center, puppeteer Hobey Ford, and Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre. Initially I was worried we wouldn't have enough to do during the week, but in actuality, it was packed to the brim, and still a lot of fun.

Last Day Group Shot at Moments Café

Then I got sick, turned 22, got into a bit of a head-fog-funk, went to a couple NC Campus Compact events, and went about my day-to-day business. I'll do my best to get some more posts up here regularly. Much love to all...


Oh, and just for fun, take a peek at a couple shots from a mask workshop I was able to observe a couple weekends ago...amazing stuff.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lauren in London

Actually I'm about to leave London, but look for lots of posts (or at least a couple) soon. Having seen a play, musical, or some other sort of performance nearly every night I've been here these past three weeks(ish), I have a lot to say, but being on an airport computer with limited time, I can't say it now. I'll be back in the U.S. in a matter of hours!
Be well,